The Times Leader from Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania (2025)

Woman Is Honored by Club Federation Mrs. J. Stewart Williams To Serve as Dean of State Presidents Mrs. Williams, presiof Pennsylvania Federation of Women's was elected by the board of directors of the General Federation of Women's Clubs to serve as dean of State presidents for the coming year. Mrs.

Williams, a resident of Kingston, was named to serve in this capacity at the 58th annual convention of the General Federation of Women's Clubs in Hollywood, last week. There were some 2,000 in attendance. The 68 delegates from Pennsylvania and other visitors from this State honored Mrs. Williams at a surprise breakfast on the closing of convention. Mrs.

Paul Koenig, immediate past president of the Pennsylvania Federation of Women's Clubs, presented an alligator purse to Mrs. Williams on behalf of the delegation. Personals Mr. and Mrs. Hugh K.

Genner of North Franklin Street will leave by plane on Wednesday from the Wilkes-Barre-Scranton Airport for Louisville where they will attend the Kentucky Derby on Saturday. They will be accompanied by Mr. Genner's sister, Mrs. Carmine of Philadelphia. Congressman Daniel J.

Flood attended a reception on Thursday night at the Embassy given by the Spanish, charge d' Affaires and de Baraiber in honor of the commander, officers and midshipmen Spanish training ship "Juan Sebastian Eleano." Miss Sarah Hughes, Wilson College freshman, has been chosen for membership in the Kittochtinny Players, Wilson College dramatic club. Miss Hughes is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John J. Hughes, 187 Hanover Street.

Mrs. Mae E. Townend of Twin Spruce, Dallas, is spending a short time in Arizona and San Francisco before sailing to Honolulu. Miss Helen Walp of Chestnut Avenue, Kingston, is spending severa weeks with Mr. and Mrs.

I. T. Jones of Pottstown. Mr. and Mrs.

Wilson Flock of Rutter Avenue, Kingston, are in Baltimore. Mrs. Sara B. Peters and daughter, Louise, 158 West River Street, will go to New York today. Mr.

and Mrs. John H. Black of 94 River Street, Forty Fort, will attend the May Day celebration at Wilson College on Saturday. Their daughter, Miss Patricia Black, a freshman, will participate in the pageant. Miss Alice Wildoner of North Main Street is a patient in Mercy Hospital.

Miss Marie Macho, RN, returned to Allentown State Hospital after visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Macho, 223 East Market Street. Miss Macho had as her guest Miss Lillian Zalonis, RN, of Scranton. Mr.

and Mrs. Edward Pressman of Philadelphian and Miss Helen Chestnut Hill spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. C. J.

Pressman of 270 Pierce Street, Kingston. Mr. and Mrs. William M. Ayers of Fairview Heights spent the week end in New York.

Bake Sale Veterans General Hospital AuxIliary of Luzerne County will hold a bake sale on Saturday morning at 10 in the lobby of Hotel Redington. Members will have donations at the hotel by 9 a. m. on Saturday, Mrs. Jule Goodall is chairman.

AMVETS Auxiliary AMVETS Auxiliary, Post 33, will hold a card party tonight 8 in the Post Home, 71 South Washington Street. Mrs. Edward Zabra, chairman, is assisted by the following committee: Mrs. Francis Murphy, Mrs. John Verbalis, Mrs.

Joseph Dohman, Mrs. Joseph Zabra and Mrs. William Ayres. Alumnae of St. Ann's Academy Name Officers 1949 Graduates Accepted As Members at 43rd Annual Dinner Mrs.

Walter A. Cummings was elected president of St. Ann's Academy Alu Association at the annual meeting yesterday afternoon in the Academy library. Serving with Mrs. Cummings will be Miss Lorraine Cuppels, vice president; Miss Marie Gallagher, secretary, and Mrs.

Al Carpist, treasurer. Retiring officers: Mrs. John F. McGeehan, president; Neil Conaboy, vice president; Mrs. Francis Hart, secretary; Mrs.

Thomas Campenni, treasurer. The new president appointed the following committees: membership, Mrs. John F. McGeehan; Miss Rosella Dougherty and Mrs. George Heffernan; auditing, Mrs.

Joseph Schwingen chairman; Mrs. Charles Romane, Mary Jo Godwin; social activities, Mrs. Eugene W. Mulligan; publicity, Miss Rosemary Carroll. Annual 43rd alumnae dinner was held on Saturday night in the gymnasium of the Academy.

Monsignor Francis A. Costello was guest speaker. Dorothy Huntzinger was toastmaster. Members of the 1949 graduating class of St. Ann's Academy were accepted into the alumnae association.

Volpe-Medico The marriage of Miss Tina Mae Medico, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Medico, 204 Montgomery Avenue, West Pittston, to Santo Volpe, son of Mr. and Mrs. Santo Volpe, 211 Wyoming Avenue, West Pittston, took place on Saturday morning at 9 in St.

Rocco's Church, Pittston. Rev. Vincent J. Bonomi, OSJ, pastor, performed the ceremony and celebrated the nuptial mass. Pope sent con and the Papal blessing to the bride and bridegroom.

Miss Mary Medico, sister of the bride, was maid of honor. Bridesmaids were Miss Alfonsina Volpe, sister of the bridegroom; Miss Josephine Gelso and Miss Sally Butera, cousins of the bride. Charles J. Bufalino, nephew of the bridegroom, was best man. Ushers were Joseph Saraceno, John Sciandra, and Joseph Butera, cousin of the bride.

Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore an ivory satin gown with a square neckline and a fitted bodice of imported French Alencon lace. The full skirt was gathered to the bodice and featured a wide panel of lace down the front. The long sleeves tapered to points trimmed with lace at the wrists and the skirt ended in a court train. Her three-quarter length veil was of imported French illusion and fell from a coronet of Alencon lace and lilies of the valley. She wore a diamond diamond wrist cross neckline and a watch, gifts of the bridegroom.

Her bouquet was of white orchids, lilies of the valley and stephanotis. The maid of honor chose a light blue marquisette gown with an with seed pearls, a hooped skirt off neckline trimmed with graduated tucks and a matching bonnet. She carried a Colonial bouquet of pink gardenias, roses and sweet peas. The bridesmaids wore pink marquisette gowns fashioned like that of the maid of honor, and matching headdresses. They carried Colonial bouquets of blue gardenias, pink roses and sweet peas.

Mrs. Medico wore a light blue lace dress trimmed with rhinestones and a matching hat trimmed with pink roses. She wore a corsage of orchids. The bridegroom's mother selected a pink lace gown with a matching hat with blue flowers. Her corsage was of orchids.

Dinner for more than 700 guests was served at Hotel Sterling. Judge Frank L. Pinola was toastmaster. A reception was held at night. Following a trip, Mr.

and Mrs. Volpe will reside at 211 Wyoming Avenue, West Pittston. Auxiliary Meeting Auxiliary to the Society of the 28th Division will meet on Wednesday night at 8 in Kingston Armory. ONLY ONE! Yes, SANITARY is the only one in Wyoming Valley who has COLD STORAGE FUR VAULTS located Right On The Premises. Furs Cleaned by the Furriers' Drum Method Furs Repaired -Relined, Insurance Against Fire, Moths and Damage 24-HOUR CLEANING SERVICE On.

Men's Coats and Suits- -No Extra Charge SAME DAY SERVICE On Any Garment--At An EXTRA Charge Delivery 1847 Pickup and Sanitary Established Service CLEANING DYEING CO 70 S. Washington St. Wilkes -Barre 8-1161 mouth Nanticoke 1458 Serve-Your-City. Club to Sponsor Mother's Day Tea Annual Dinner Schedued For May 19 at Irem Country Club Plans have been completed by Club for the annual Mother's Day tea on May 8 from 3 to 5 in St. Stephen's Parish Agnes Hands have charge of House.

A committee headed by Miss arrangements. Mrs. Floyd Apt presided at a recent meeting of the club in St. Stephen's Parish House. Evelyn Seeley had charge of devotions.

Miss Janis Leisenring reported on the card party and bake sale. Mrs. Robert Pritchard and Miss Betty Collett are accepting reserNations, for at the 6:30 at annual Irem dinner Temple on Country Club. Mrs. Marcus Miller reported on the last of the Clare Tree Major plays for children.

Mrs. Apt announced that reports will be read at the next meeting from officers and chairmen of standing committees. Mrs. Harold Hughes, chairman, submitted a report of the nominating committee. Election of officers will be held on May 12.

Church Activities East End PM Monday, 8, Good Fellowship Bible Class. Tuesday, 8, Fanny Bullock Missionary Society. Wednesday, Women bake, pasties, 6:30, trustee board Meeting, 8, Ladies Aid. Thursday, 7:45, prayer meeting, 6:45, Junior Choir, 8:50, Senior Choir. Friday, 7, Boy Scouts.

St. John's Lutheran Monday, 10:30 institional lains, conference, 2:30, religious school, 8, church council. Tuesday, 7:30, Luther League, 7:30, Lutheran Waderstiay, executive committee. Quilting, 7:45, Floral Class. Thursday, 6, Girl Scouts, 7:30, Chancel Choir.

Friday, 7:30, Boy Scouts. Salem Evangelical Monday, Sunday School board, 8, church council, Class 1. Tuesday, 7, Youth Choir. Wednesday, 8, Class 4. Thursday, 4, Girl Scouts, 6:30, junior catechism, 7:30, prayer meeting.

Friday, 6, Brownie Troop, 8, Adult Choir. Westminster Presbyterian Monday, 7:30 Senior Girl Scouts. Tuesday, 4, Brownies, 6:30, mediate Girl Scouts, 7:30 Floral Class, Webster Memorial Class, Ladies' Bible Class and Isabelle M. Bennett Memorial Class. Wednesday, 2:30, church school closing exercises, 3:45, Carol Choir.

Thursday, Ladies' Aid, Chapel Choir, 7:30 Chancel Choir, 7:30, Boy, People's Scouts. Canteen. Friday, 8, Young First Baptist Church Monday, 8, Men bowl at YMCA. Tuesday, 8, WCSG. Wednesday, 7, Boy Scouts.

Thursday, 6:30, church fellowship supper. Friday, 7:30, Chancel Choir. Saturday, 3:30, Junior Choir; 8, young persons bowl at YMCA. MARGARET CHARLOTTE FOGARTY BRIDE OF JOHN F. PATTISON The marriage of Miss Margaret William T.

Fogarty and the late. Pittston, to John Frederick Pattison, and the late Mr. Pattison of Riverside, morning at 11 in Immaculate Rev. Joseph E. O'Brien officiated at the double ring ceremony and performed the 'nuptial mass.

Wedg ding music was by Mrs. Howard Adrian. Paul Kane was soloist. The altar of the church was decorated with calla lilies and cibotium fern. Mrs.

Frederick L. Stets was her sister's matron of honor and another sister, Mrs. Robert Kerr Stewart of Bayside Hills, L. was bridesmaid. Arthur B.

Thomson, of Staten Island, N. was best man. Ushers were Karl H. P. Swensson of Riverside, and James Powers of West Pittston.

The given in marriage by her brother-in-law, Robert K. Stewart, wore a white silk faille taffeta gown with a sweetheart neckline, long sleeves a full skirt which ended in a short Her chapel veil was imported French silk illusion. She carried a Colonial bouquet of white roses outlined with seed pearls. The matron of honor wore a lilac faille taffeta gown made similarly to that worn by the bride. She wore white wrist length gloves and a halo of lilac maline with inserted yellow daisies.

She carried a Colonial bouquet of yellow daisies tied with matching maline. The bridesmaid's gown, of the same design, was aquamarine blue. Arrivals William Funk and children, Glenmoore, Miss Marian Sullivan, Miss Frances P. Kelley, New York; Mrs. Daniel O'Shea, Miss Ellen Kelly Land John O'Shea, Forest Hills, William announce Cultivate a New Hobby Interesting Fascinating Beautiful! Ceramic Classes Starting Soon Enroll Now! For Information Call 7-2983 Charlotte Fogarty, daughter of Mrs.

Mr. Fogarty of York Avenue, West son of Mrs. Charles A. Pattison took place on Saturday! Conception Church, West Pittson. She wore, white wrist length gloves and a headdress of aquamarine maline with inserted yellow daisies.

She carried a Colonial bouquet of the same flowers. Mrs. Fogarty, the bride's mother, selected a navy blue sheer suit with white accessories and wore an orchid corsage. The bridegroom's mother chose a printedsilk dress with a jacket of navy blue. She wore an orchid corsage.

A reception was held at Fox Hill Country Club. Following a trip to the West, the couple will reside in New York. Mrs. Pattison is a graduate of Marywood College. She served her dietetic internship at the Mayo Clinic, Rochester, and spent two years in the Army in the European theater.

She is employed at Halloran Veterans Administration Hospital, Staten Island, N. as chief of dietetic service. Mr. Pattison attended Oregon State College and is a member of Alpha Chi Rho. He is a veteran of World War 2, having served in the South Pacific.

He is associated in business with his brother-inlaw. Out-of-town guests at the wedding included Mrs. Charles A. Pattison, Mr. and Karl H.

P. Swensson and children of Riverside, Roland Comeford, Old Greenwich, Mr. and Mrs. RUG CARPET CLEANING RE- FRINGING RE-BINDING STORING All 9x12 Domestic RUGS SHAMPOOED $3.75 HOUSEHOLD CLEANING SERVICES DIAL 7-5997 WYOMING 567 Lady Lady Cameron Cameron Lodge 166, Ledge Daughters of Scotia, will meet tonight at in Calvary Clubhouse. A pneumatic gun was used for the first time in 1883.


Washington MRS. FRED MORGAN KIRBY, 2ND ALICE WALKER DILLARD WED TO FRED MORGAN KIRBY, 2ND Miss Alice Walker Dillard, daughter of "Wonderland," Greensboro, N. Kirby, 2nd, son of Mr. and Mrs. and Glen' Summit, on Saturday night Church, Greensboro.

The ceremony Cox. Miss Dorothy Dillard of Greensboro was the maid of honor for her sister. Bridesmaids were Misses Ann Kirby, sister of the bridegroom; Julia Clark, Katherine Cole Lambeth Walker. Allan P. Kirby, was best man for his brother.

Ushers were John H. Culbertson, brother-inlaw of the bridegroom; Walter S. Mitchell of Forty Fort, cousin of Mr. Kirby; James H. Eppler, Charles K.

Morgan of Drexel Hill, formerly of Wilkes-Barre: A. DeWitt Smith of Trucksville, Harry Croop, of Hershey, formerly of Kingston; Bernard Griffin of Wilkes-Barre, and Stark S. Dillard, brother of the bride. The bride, given in marriage by her father, was attired in a lace gown which featured a net yoke and long sleeves. She wore a veil of illusion and a single strand of pearls.

The bride carried a bouquet of white flowers. The attendants wore gowns of white organdy over yellow taffeta, featuring dropped shoulder necklines and hoop skirts. They carried bouquets of yellow rosebuds. Breakfast was served at the Greensboro Country Club, followed by a reception at the bride's home. Mrs.

Kirby was educated at Mrs. Fred I. Rypins Private School, Greensboro, and St. Mary's Junior (Photo by Manning Studio) of Mr. and Mrs.

Stark S. Dillard became the bride of Fred Morgan Allan P. Kirby of Morristown, N. at 8 in the Holy Trinity Episcopal was performed by Rev. Robert E.

College, member of Raleigh, the Junior N. C. League She is and al the Sedgefield Hounds. Mr. Kirby graduated, from Lawrenceville Lafayette College.

He was in the U. S. Navy for four years, most of which time was spent on amphibious duty the European theater. He was retired from active duty as a lieutenant, senior grade, in February, 1946. He then completed a course at Harvard Graduate School of Business Administration.

Mr. Kirby is employed by the Dexolium Corporation of Stamford, Conn. Mr. and Mrs. Kirby will make their home in Morristown, N.

J. Hospital Alumnae At meeting of General Hospital Alumnae A Association tonight at 8 in Taylor Memorial Home, reports on the card party on May 11 are to be made. Miss Ann Moser is chairman of the party. Golf Association Women's Golf Association of Fox Hill Country Club will hold its opening luncheon of the season on Thursday at noon at the club. Members will make their reservations at the club.

Golf and cards will follow. Monday Store Hours 9:30 to 5:30 For Mother's Day! Seersucker HOUSE COATS 798 Sportswear, Second Floor "Lady Chesterfield" border print seersucker housecoats equally at ease in January as June! Wrap and concealed zipper styles with ever-so-full sweep skirts. Navy, grey, maize or lilac. Sizes 10 0 to 20, 38 to 44. Rayon Crepe Print Robes Sizes 12 to 20, 38 to 44 7,98 and 8.98 Mr.

and Mrs. Richard William Jordan, Fort Dix, N. announce the birth of a son, Richard William, on Sunday, April 24, in Tilton General Hospital, Fort Dix. Mrs. Jordan is the Miss Mary Jenkins, daughter of Mrs.

Pearl Jenkins, Wyoming Street. Mr. Jordan is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jordan, Mill Street, Parsons, and is connected with the U.

S. Army Base at Fort Dix. Dr. and Mrs. Albert H.

Hobbs, 5901 Warrington Avenue, Philadelphia, have announced the birth of a daughter, Prudence, on April 28 in Methodist Hospital, Philadelphia. Hobbs is the former Ruth Jasper, daughter of Mrs. George Jasper, 282 Brown Street. They have two other children, a son, Hoyt, and daughter, Pamela Hobbs. Mr.

and Mrs. Abraham Morris, 75 First Avenue, Kingston, have announced the birth of a son on April 29 in General Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. James George, 456 North Main Street, have announced the birth of a daughter on April 29 in Mercy Hospital.

UPHOLSTERING DEPENDABLE SERVICE FREE ESTIMATES BIRKENHEAD'S 46 OUSTER WILKES-BARRE DIAL 2-2574-2-3645 Expectant Mothers! DIAPER SERVICE IS A NECESSITY! 70 DIAPERS $2 per week PHONE 2-6158 American DIAPER Service UPHOLSTERED FURNITURE Beautifully Cleaned Phone The OSCAR SMITH Co RUG CARPET CLEANERS FOR OVER IO0 YEARS Monday Store Hours 9:30 to 5:30 Don't Be Be FLEXNIT'S "Shur-Set" So Ti Girdle Ad quart Small! 95 Medium! Large! To Fit 32 to 36 Waists $5 Diagonal Uplift Flattens Tummy Flexnit's new "Adjust A Band" girdle with "diagonal" elastic that uplifts as it flattens your abdomen -takes inches off your waist! Twin sets of fasteners on band adjust instantly to perfect comfort and fit. Of seamless, run-resistant Flexnito fabric with nylon and lastex. Washes, wears like a dream. White or nude. Takes Inches Off Your Waist Keeps Your Tummy.

In-In-In! Corsets, Second Fleer WILKES BARRE RECORD, MONDAY, MAY 2, 1949 1-0598.

The Times Leader from Wilkes-Barre, Pennsylvania (2025)
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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

Address: 8416 Beatty Center, Derekfort, VA 72092-0500

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Job: Mining Executive

Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.