Rockwall Bulk Pickup Zone 2 (2025)

1. Waste & Recycling Services in Rockwall, Texas

  • Bulk Trash Service · Zone 1 is north of I-30 and west of Ridge Road/Goliad Street. Pick up for Zone 1 will be the 1st and 3rd Monday of the month. · Zone 2 is ...

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2. [PDF] 2024 BULK PICK UP SCHEDULE Mon-Fri of the following weeks

  • CITY OF ROCKWALL. 2024 BULK PICK UP SCHEDULE. Mon-Fri of the following weeks. Zone 1. January 1. July 1. January 15. February 5. February 19. March 4. March 18.

3. Temporary Changes Coming for Bulk Trash Service in Rockwall With ...

4. Temporary Changes Coming for Bulk Trash Service in Rockwall - Nextdoor

  • ... Zone 1: April 6 April 20 Zone 2: April 13 April 27. ... Bulk trash and brush collections will occur on Wednesdays of your zone's designated week.

  • With schools and businesses temporarily shutting down amid the coronavirus threat, and more people staying at home, Rockwall residents have begun to generate more garbage to be picked up each week. In fact, Republic Services reports a 30% increase in the volume of regular trash being picked up on a weekly basis. For that reason, the company has shifted the role of some drivers from brush pick up to help accommodate the increase in volume, and is now temporarily limiting the amount of bulk trash and brush each residence can put out for pick up. Volume, until further notice, is limited to 54 cubic feet, which is demonstrated by the picture below. Leaves, grass clippings, and other yard waste must be placed at the front curb for collection with bulk trash and brush. Republic also asks that residents use trash bags for residential garbage for the safety of their workers. Bulk trash and brush collections will occur on Wednesdays of your zone’s designated week. Republic will resume the previous schedule and volume for bulk trash and brush pick up as soon as possible. Please check your schedule for your next bulk service: Zone 1: April 6 April 20 Zone 2: April 13 April 27

Temporary Changes Coming for Bulk Trash Service in Rockwall - Nextdoor

5. TownSq Community App | Resources - Chandlers Landing

TownSq Community App | Resources - Chandlers Landing

6. City of Rockwall - 652 updates &mdash - Nextdoor

  • 65 per month. Under the agreement, Rockwall customers will continue to enjoy unlimited bulk trash pickup, twice per week garbage services, and weekly recycling.

  • The City of Rockwall provides responsible leadership, services, and safety for our residents.

City of Rockwall - 652 updates &mdash - Nextdoor

7. HHW Rockwall | Household Hazardous Waste | Pickup

  • Schedule your weekly HHW pickup for Rockwall here. We provide the removal of household hazardous waste for the city of Rockwall.

8. Wildwood - Rockwall, TX - Titan Waste

  • Bulk items will be picked up on Wednesday. In order to schedule a pick-up or to find out pricing, please call our office at (972) 564-2800 24hrs in advance.

  • Quick Pickup Guide

9. 2023 Summer Fun Guide by City of Rockwall - Issuu


  • Blog

2023 Summer Fun Guide by City of Rockwall - Issuu
Rockwall Bulk Pickup Zone 2 (2025)
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Author: Eusebia Nader

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Name: Eusebia Nader

Birthday: 1994-11-11

Address: Apt. 721 977 Ebert Meadows, Jereville, GA 73618-6603

Phone: +2316203969400

Job: International Farming Consultant

Hobby: Reading, Photography, Shooting, Singing, Magic, Kayaking, Mushroom hunting

Introduction: My name is Eusebia Nader, I am a encouraging, brainy, lively, nice, famous, healthy, clever person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.